The Three Keys To Making Sense Of The Livestream Revolution
By John Kao
The three keys to understanding the media revolution represented by livestreaming require us to take a fresh look at the tentpoles of content, access and distribution.
Anyone can livestream, assuming that you have something to say.
1) It’s a new medium looking for a new language - Marshall McLuhan, who is more relevant than ever, once famously said that we move into the future while looking in the rearview mirror. This is certainly true in the case of media. The first key to understanding the livestream revolution is that media innovation goes forward with a heavy sense of nostalgia. For example, early efforts at filmmaking adhered to the conventions of theater - the proscenium stage, actors entering from stage left and right and static camera placement - that used the new medium of film to mimic the elements of staged drama. It was not until the movie industry had time to settle in, that it found its own language. A similar watershed can be seen in the birth of television, which only found its grammar of talk shows, infomercials, news and series TV after a long period of experimentation.
Now we have the new medium of live streaming, which arguably will come to be seen as significant as television and film. I know this to be true personally because I've recently launched a livestream show - Intersections - with a co-host Brian Solis, who is another self-styled innovation maven. It feels like we are movie guys in 1910 experimenting with a new media grammar. Whereas the temptation is to mimic television forms - traditional talk shows, for example - the power of the medium lends itself to innovation. How do you juxtapose talking heads with new kinds of graphic treatments? How do you pull the audience in as an active participant in co-creating the experience? What will the impact of virtual and augmented reality be on the livestream experience? Are there new forms related to the “always on” apps that are cropping up to put buddies in constant touch?
2) It’s democratic - Point number two about the livestream revolution is that it is inherently democratic. For example, my “studio” for Intersections is located in a corner of my living room and contains only a few thousand dollars of lights, cameras and computers. We have no staff (at least not at present). No one gave us permission to livestream; we just decided that Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. Pacific would be our window. And just like that, we now have a show in a new medium.
So anyone with a modicum of equipment and the desire can throw their hat into the ring. Applications like and StreamYard make livestreaming to multiple social media channels easy. In the early days of film, proprietariness was assured by
Film production involves a complex weave of mature disciplines
the specialized knowledge required to mount an effective production. Early lighting experts were prized for their ability to illuminate Garbo’s face. Cinematographers knew how to move the camera for effect. Later on, the complexity of filmmaking hit a new level with unions and regulation. While producing a feature film for Universal Studios, I remember learning how to talk to my teamster driver and why the specialized greensman’s union was solely responsible for moving plants - but not props - around on a set. This kind of production knowledge had business value and was closely held to create barriers to new entrants. How different it is in the livestream era, where information about everything from equipment to audience development is available from eager faceless colleagues and for the cost-free price of a Google search.
3) Distribution will never be the same - The third and final key to understanding livestreaming is the radical disruption it brings to distribution. In the case of theater, the experience could only be consumed in, well, theaters. The history of the movie industry shows how the early moguls leveraged the immediate appeal of the film experience into owning the channels of distribution - nickelodeons and later movie palaces - a model that persisted until 1947 when the Paramount Consent Decree of 1948 forcibly separated the businesses of content creation and distribution by government decree. And the growth of television into an industry depended on the proliferation of television sets and allocation of spectrum for tv signals. In both examples, there was a finite physical supply of key resources relevant to distribution that had to expand to enable a transition from cottage to industry.
With livestreaming, the distribution equation is radically different from what has gone before. Anyone with an internet-enabled device and reasonable access to bandwidth has a seat in the global audience, which is essentially infinite. Couple this with the internet’s ability to enable an infinite number of channels. It’s not all good news as it leads directly to the problem of clutter - clutter in terms of media brands as new ones are created left and right (Peacock or Quibi anyone?). And clutter in relation to celebrity as a new generation of YouTube notables and others make their appearance and dilute the impact of incumbent celebrities who may not have made the transition to internet media. And of course, the democratization of production leads directly to clutter. Livestream distribution therefore depends more than ever on “weightless assets” such as brand, viral potential and social media following that are in a continuous state of rapid evolution.
The internet enables an infinity of livestreams. Clutter is the challenge.
The bottom line is that to understand livestreaming requires keeping pace with the speed of innovation. We are at the dawn of another new medium that is still seeking its language and business models. In his Hollywood novel, The Last Tycoon, F. Scott Fitzgerald introduced us to movie mogul Monroe Starr, one of the few who could keep “the whole equation of film in their head” at one time. Time will tell who the Monroe Starrs of the livestreaming era are. And we hope that the medium’s new capabilities will lead to the global spread of new forms of story-telling, a more informed citizenry and new forms of delight.
Lights, camera, action anyone?