The Key To Thriving In Disrupted Times Is Finding Our Way To The Present Moment
by John Kao
Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to connect some interesting dots. In particular, I’ve been exploring new territory related to my lifelong curiosity about the creative process and how to find clarity and grounding in tumultuous times. Given the current state of the world, these are relevant proficiencies.
Lessons from psychotherapy - A friend who is a psychotherapist recently said to me, “It’'s all about your sense of time. Depression comes from looking backwards in time while anxiety comes from looking ahead.” Certainly, we’re all familiar with depressed thoughts that dwell on missed opportunities, past failures and perceived inadequacies. Those kinds of thoughts often stick with us because we are unable to change the past, by definition. And at an extreme, PTSD and its variants lock us into emotional loops composed of past traumas. On the other side of the time equation, most of us are familiar with the kind of anxious feelings that come from an unknown future, from what is beyond our ability to control. Will I get the new job? Will my kids turn out ok? Will I have enough money? Etc. etc.
Psychotherapy can help clients navigate between past trauma and future anxieties
But there is a third way of experiencing time that lies between past and future, which is the present moment. In a sense, this is our temporal pace car – always in motion - that seems on the surface to be ungraspable. And I have come to believe that the key to centering, to finding the source of our creative Nile, lies precisely in an ability to situate one’s self in that very space between past and future as time unfolds.
Lessons from Zen - My friend’s words made a lot of sense to me, especially in light of other ways I’ve found to enhance my creative energies. For example, I’ve had a long and somewhat flirtatious relationship with Zen practice. Meditation for me involves situating yourself in the present, whether you engage in a multi-day sesshin or pace yourself with a 5-minute audio track on the Insight Timer app. Thoughts may arise as to what is to come or what has transpired, but the simple act of following the breath and being in one's body serve as anchors to the present. In fact, it is that most human of attributes - our overdeveloped cortical ability to think - that takes us away from living in the present moment. My Zen teacher George will point out from time to time and with some amusement that my “overdeveloped supercomputer” hijacks my attention over and over again and knocks me out of the present moment.
Zen meditation centers the practitioner in the present through breathing, posture and cultivating mindfulness
Lessons from yoga - Another data point comes from my recent experience swith yoga nidra, literally the yoga of sleep. The technique focuses on experiencing sensations and feelings; “just being.” A guided yoga nidra meditation might call attention to each part of the body in turn, a process that one practitioner described as giving one’s self an internal massage. The goal lies in turning thinking off and enable other kinds of intelligence to emerge. This is related to many traditions that traffic in embodiment, whether they be yoga, martial arts or simply going to your local spa for a hot-stone body treatment.
Lessons from jazz - My exploration of jazz also touches on the importance of being in the present moment. When I am thinking in terms of music theory - what mode to put on top of what half diminished chord for example - I am projecting my thoughts into the future and disrupting my connection to the present moment, which is the real source of musical originality. My thinking risks getting me stuck on what principle or bit of theory will make the music sound good rather than on the flow of the music itself. Taking one’s self to a place before thought is where the creativity of musical
Jazz improvisation sounds best when the musicians are in the moment
improvisation begins. Jazz master Kenny Werner has a lovely exercise for improvisers. He writes, “Look at the keys of the piano. Look at your fingers. Don’t play. Breathe. Only when you feel like your fingers are no longer connected to you should you begin to play.” In other words, get that thought-suffused “me” out of the way so that something deeper can emerge.
Jazz creativity is equally compromised if the player focuses on the audience and wonders about their reaction. How am doing? Do they like my playing? Etc. This is analogous to the tight-rope walker who suddenly thinks about how high they are or how they are doing, which can lead to the risk of a fall. There are so many ways to disrupt a jazz player’s sense of being in the present moment. At an extreme, I might go beyond judging my playing to judging myself. I might wonder why I'm not playing at a standard to which I wish to hold myself. This attention to how I should be playing (the future, i.e. will I be good enough) can quickly lead to depressive self-judgement (the past, I’m not worthy). So, playing jazz is a constant challenge (and opportunity) to locate one’s self in the power of the present moment.
Back to psychotherapy - When I related my budding insights to another friend who also happens to be a psychotherapist, they said, “What you’re talking about is the difference between building meaning top down vs bottom up.” When I asked what she meant, she continued, “Bottom up Is being anchored in physical sensation and feelings, which are connected to the present. When you begin to surrender to thinking and step out of your body, the connection with the present is lost.” Sensation, feelings, physicality, the breath, the feeling of one’s fingers on the keys of the piano are all connections to the present moment. In a similar vein, one can also appreciate the practice of meditation - stilling the body, inhabiting a defined physical posture, focusing on breathing and allowing the mind to quiet as ways of refocusing one’s sense of temporarily into the present moment. This is how what Zen Buddhists call “beginner’s mind” begins to manifest, a mind free of preconceptions and before thought, which is the font of creativity.
Lessons from Star Wars - In the film The Empire Strikes back, Jedi master Yoda despairs of his young would-be apprentice. “Much anger in him. Like his father. He is not ready.” Luke’s anger comes from the familiar dilemma of being stuck in past
Like many spiritual leaders, Yoda wants to help Luke find strength in the present moment.
trauma. And he is stuck in the future as well. Double jeopardy. Yoda observes, “What know you of ready? This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind where he was – what he was doing.” And this is the condition that most of us live in – caught between past traumas and future uncertainties.
We need all the help we can get. So whether it is meditation or other forms of spiritual practice, improvisational art forms like jazz or simply finding personal ways to inhabit the present – runner’s high, finding flow while baking a cake - the alpha zone for creativity beckons if we can only find our way to the present moment.
Originally published at on Oct 15, 2020.